1.   But this is not the only example of scientists and historians as well as investigative journalists beginning to shatter myths about crucial discoveries and those who made them.

2.   Columbine, he said, shattered the myth that gun violence is a problem limited to cities, minorities and gangs.

3.   Does he come back slowly, taking tuneups that risk shattering his myth before the bank is broken?

4.   In doing so he shattered myths and broke records and again altered the face of the game.

5.   In the next session, Olson shatters that myth.

6.   Lett and other growers and wine makers in Oregon and California shattered the myth.

7.   Myths are being shattered.

8.   That could shatter the myth that sports legends end up in cozy broadcast booths or on top golf courses.

9.   The decision shatters the myth that cities must bid a few times before getting the gold.

10.   The dolphin myth was shattered by waves of dead porpoises and baby dolphins that washed up in Scotland and Virginia.

v. + myth >>共 165
dispel 10.35%
debunk 7.53%
shatter 7.29%
explode 6.59%
perpetuate 6.35%
create 2.59%
destroy 2.59%
puncture 1.88%
believe 1.65%
make 1.41%
shatter + n. >>共 316
window 37.11%
glass 3.95%
confidence 2.48%
dream 2.41%
windshield 2.28%
myth 2.08%
life 1.88%
record 1.88%
hope 1.47%
illusion 1.34%
每页显示:    共 31