1.   Historian Michael A. Bellesiles punctures the myth that gun ownership was widespread in early America.

2.   No one has worked harder in recent years to puncture such myths, or at least to hold them up to critical scrutiny, than the Asia Society itself.

3.   Now the Pentagon, citing the Persian Gulf war, has punctured the myth that the expensive American fleet is needed for national defense.

4.   She is not afraid to puncture myth, either.

5.   Skocpol punctures the myth of fat cats cruising on golf courses while Social Security checks fill their bank accounts and the American Association of Retired Persons bullies Congress.

6.   The documentary trove punctures two myths.

7.   The Nanterre, Zug and Erfurt killings publicly punctured the myth that Europe is gun-free.

8.   The BJP said its victory in the elections would puncture the myth that only the Congress party a can provide a stable government.

v. + myth >>共 165
dispel 10.35%
debunk 7.53%
shatter 7.29%
explode 6.59%
perpetuate 6.35%
create 2.59%
destroy 2.59%
puncture 1.88%
believe 1.65%
make 1.41%
puncture + n. >>共 110
tire 12.92%
lung 12.55%
tyre 3.32%
skin 2.95%
myth 2.95%
pipeline 2.21%
artery 2.21%
bag 2.21%
confidence 2.21%
eardrum 1.85%
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