1.   At Tavern on the Green, the grill is set up near the dining room.

2.   Once a week during the summer they will set up a grill outdoors, but otherwise there is no oven, no broiler, no stovetop in his kitchen.

3.   Set the grill up for indirect cooking.

4.   Set up grill for direct grilling and preheat to high.

5.   Set up the grill for indirect grilling and preheat to medium.

6.   Set up the grill for indirect grilling, placing a drip pan in the center.

7.   Set up the grill for direct grilling and preheat to high.

8.   Set up the grill for indirect grilling.

9.   We pulled over on a shoal and the guides set up a grill and started cooking hamburgers, hot dogs and ribs.

v. + grill >>共 73
preheat 14.86%
prepare 9.91%
heat 8.56%
use 8.11%
cover 6.76%
set_up 4.05%
clean 2.70%
light 2.25%
have 2.25%
own 1.80%
set_up + n. >>共 712
committee 3.81%
shop 3.45%
roadblock 3.41%
commission 2.63%
checkpoint 2.16%
camp 2.03%
office 2.00%
fund 1.99%
system 1.88%
meeting 1.57%
grill 0.08%
每页显示:    共 9