1.   Top sellers this year include ANYTHING with a Jurassic Park logo for the primary school children.

2.   At Outpost.com, a supplier of high-end high technology gifts, big sellers included DVD players and flat-screen computer monitors.

3.   Best sellers include a rose chiffon printed with green roses, a pink gardenia and a bird print.

4.   Hot sellers include vintage flags and bedding.

5.   Hot sellers include sweaters, toys, treats and rawhides in holiday shapes and designs.

6.   It said big sellers included computers, big-screen televisions, tools, dresses and denim.

7.   Other online jewelry sellers include Mondera, BlueNile, iJewelry and Ashford.

8.   Other sellers include DLJ Affiliates, J.P. Morgan Investment Corp. and several officers and directors.

9.   Other best sellers this year included issues focusing on prayer, headaches and the brain.

10.   Other sellers include more than a dozen private individual investors and several other venture capitalists, who are peeling off small portions of their positions.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
seller 0.05%
seller + v. >>共 337
be 20.96%
have 5.05%
say 3.79%
take 2.44%
include 1.85%
borrow 1.60%
sell 1.52%
get 1.43%
want 1.35%
agree 1.26%
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