1.   The seller has the right to keep the goods until payment is tendered to him.

2.   The seller has no difficulty in producing them for the buyer in any quantity provided he has sufficient notice to schedule production, and purchase needed materials and components.

3.   If exchange of contracts does not take place, then the seller will have to pay you.

4.   The answers may require copy documents that the seller may have at home.

5.   What the seller now has is something of immediate value -- the undertaking of the buyer to pay a certain sum of money at a future date.

6.   This means that the seller has to make certain undertakings to the buyer.

7.   And Quebec authorities, according to game officials in other provinces, routinely issue export documents for wildlife parts as long as the seller has a valid hunting permit.

8.   And sellers have had a tough time finding buyers for some bank loans when trouble hits, traders said.

9.   As the supply of bonds increases, sellers sometimes have to offer higher yields to attract investors.

10.   At these shows, private sellers do not have to conduct background checks on buyers.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
seller 0.03%
seller + v. >>共 337
be 20.96%
have 5.05%
say 3.79%
take 2.44%
include 1.85%
borrow 1.60%
sell 1.52%
get 1.43%
want 1.35%
agree 1.26%
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