1.   Read in studio Prison officers at a maximum security jail say lives are being put at risk because of staff shortages.

2.   Three men have broken out of a top security jail.

3.   The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail.

4.   Prison officers at a top security jail say mental patients who should be in hospital are being locked up instead.

5.   New doubt over twenty men in top security jail.

6.   A report claims that twenty two inmates of a high security jail may have been wrongfully imprisoned.

7.   A chaplain at the top security Long Lartin jail is leaving his job, following demands for his resignation.

8.   The Government is being called on to draft in extra staff at a top security jail where violence against prison officers is escalating.

9.   A man serving life for murdering a policeman has been found guilty of beating up a prison officer at a high security jail.

n. + jail >>共 93
term 40.56%
city 14.39%
security 5.98%
high-security 2.62%
police 2.43%
town 1.68%
year 1.50%
immigration 1.31%
face 1.31%
life 1.31%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
jail 0.07%
每页显示:    共 32