1.   Lockyer advocates less expensive alternatives to prison, such as longer county jail terms and carefully screened and monitored parole.

2.   Only three, who were convicted of manslaughter, were given jail terms-of two to three years.

3.   Already, owners of video shops such as this one face jail terms if they offer banned videos for sale.

4.   And they ended up pleading guilty and serving jail terms, which they have completed.

5.   A range of crimes can bring jail terms, among them insulting the army or seeming to sympathize with Kurdish guerrillas or their separatist program.

6.   But Laffitte followed in the steps of a fellow judge, who began meting out stiffer jail terms in May for protests at Vieques.

7.   But Lafitte followed in the steps of a fellow judge, who began meting out stiffer jail terms in May for protests at Vieques.

8.   But the protesters already demanding jail terms for the officers who shot Diallo might consider who will be hurt if the police turn more passive.

9.   Eleven people, including three bankers, are serving jail terms in connection with the scandal.

10.   Even if the probe eventually produced convictions, though, Enron executives may never serve jail terms as long as those commonly levied against street criminals.

n. + jail >>共 93
term 40.56%
city 14.39%
security 5.98%
high-security 2.62%
police 2.43%
town 1.68%
year 1.50%
immigration 1.31%
face 1.31%
life 1.31%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
每页显示:    共 216