1.   A second offense would result in the confiscation of the car and likely jail time.

2.   A second steroid offense will result in a lifetime ban, while a repeat stimulant offender will face a two-year suspension.

3.   A second offense would bring a mandatory one-year sentence.

4.   A second offense?

5.   A second offense would bring a five-year sentence.

6.   A second offense would earn a misdemeanor citation, and a third would require a court appearance.

7.   After a second drinking offense, Demientieff was also suspended.

8.   After the second offense, Valentine stood on the top step of the dugout, hand on hip, his disgust evident in his body language and glare.

9.   Fines come with a second offense.

10.   He served seven months for driving with a suspended license, his second offense.

a. + offense >>共 804
criminal 6.17%
impeachable 3.62%
minor 3.37%
new 3.37%
serious 2.88%
first 2.40%
same 2.30%
second 2.00%
total 1.77%
alleged 1.62%
second + n. >>共 806
half 9.38%
time 6.38%
round 5.87%
day 5.52%
quarter 3.31%
set 2.25%
place 2.17%
game 2.14%
term 1.94%
year 1.93%
offense 0.08%
每页显示:    共 79