1.   Driving under the influence is a very serious offense.

2.   Possession of an unregistered firearm is a serious offense.

3.   And other rule benders have been accused of less serious offenses than some IOC who were let off the hook earlier by the ethics panel.

4.   And that is a serious offense.

5.   And mandatory sentences are so grotesquely harsh that some prosecutors and judges get around them by taking pleas to less serious offenses.

6.   And when there is a serious offense, such as one involving assault or drugs, it cries for a banner headline.

7.   Any affront to the Turkmenbashi is a serious offense in his dominions.

8.   Arresting a former law enforcement officer for such serious offenses is disturbing, though rare, Rossi added.

9.   Barnes wants to implement more preventive programs for youths who commit nonviolent crimes, in the hope of deterring them from more serious offenses.

10.   -- Treating juveniles as adults for serious offenses.

a. + offense >>共 804
criminal 6.17%
impeachable 3.62%
minor 3.37%
new 3.37%
serious 2.88%
first 2.40%
same 2.30%
second 2.00%
total 1.77%
alleged 1.62%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
offense 0.42%
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