1.   A small sailboat draws close and Captains Peleg and Bildad, both old sea salts, reluctantly leave.

2.   Maldon salt is a trade name for sea salt from the many inlets on the Essex coast.

3.   Sea salt crystallizes from tidal pools when the water evaporates.

4.   Season with sea salt and white pepper.

5.   Very often such cheeses are made with a vegetarian rennet and natural sea salt.

6.   Also becoming more popular is Fleur de Sel, a rare sea salt from Brittany that is cherished for its complex flavor, crunchy texture and subtle aroma.

7.   And in the end, the sea salt is what brings the dish to life.

8.   And not just any old capperi, but tiny capers from Pantelleria, preserved only in sea salt so as not to distort their flavor.

9.   Both chickens, which I had rubbed with olive oil and sea salt, had crisp, bronzed exteriors.

10.   A loaf made from spelt, an ancient member of the wheat family, indicates that perhaps not enough sea salt is used.

n. + salt >>共 61
sea 40.67%
garlic 13.00%
road 7.67%
celery 7.00%
rehydration 4.33%
pinch 2.00%
onion 1.67%
ammonium 1.33%
calcium 1.00%
hardness 1.00%
sea + n. >>共 444
water 9.39%
salt 5.13%
lane 3.96%
creature 3.70%
life 3.20%
border 3.16%
ice 2.78%
bed 2.57%
port 2.27%
bottom 2.15%
每页显示:    共 121