1.   Amines can be prepared by heating and alkyl ammonium salt with an alkali.

2.   Ammonium salts sterilize the water baths, killing bacteria in feces and muck sticking to the eggshells.

3.   Airline sewage tanks currently contain disinfectants based on ammonium salts.

4.   The solution is then mixed in a sedimentation tank with a solution of ammonium salt to form a precipitate of ammonium diuranate.

n. + salt >>共 61
sea 40.67%
garlic 13.00%
road 7.67%
celery 7.00%
rehydration 4.33%
pinch 2.00%
onion 1.67%
ammonium 1.33%
calcium 1.00%
hardness 1.00%
ammonium + n. >>共 14
concentration 20.00%
salt 16.00%
sulphate 12.00%
hydrosulfide 8.00%
phosphate 8.00%
activity 4.00%
compound 4.00%
diuranate 4.00%
fume 4.00%
ion 4.00%
每页显示:    共 4