1.   But he called that a conservative approach that ignores signs that screening may be saving lives.

2.   However, Ms. Snow said, Dollar is looking back at its records to see if screening would have saved money.

3.   The government and most experts have long argued that by catching breast cancer early, screening can save lives and help women avoid devastating radical surgery.

4.   Dr. Katharina Dalton, a London gynecological endocrinologist, applauded the research, and agreed that screening could save many women from having their wombs unnecessarily removed.

v. + save >>共 104
diving 10.61%
use 3.91%
make 3.35%
go 2.79%
have 2.79%
do 2.23%
cut 2.23%
say 2.23%
screen 2.23%
sprawling 2.23%
screen + v. >>共 24
be 42.86%
save 7.14%
become 5.36%
reduce 5.36%
begin 3.57%
have 3.57%
back 1.79%
catch 1.79%
consist 1.79%
fail 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4