1.   Chauvin declined to estimate how much money EDF saved by using a swapped mark bond instead of borrowing directly in yen.

2.   Government agencies would rely on inflation to cure any shortfalls, delaying adjustments in salaries for inflation and using the money saved to cover overspending elsewhere.

3.   The carpet may be saved by using a half ammonia-half water solution on the stain.

4.   Using a tippet saves your leader, which would otherwise keep getting shorter as portions broke or as you clipped them off to change flies.

5.   Money can also be saved by using library books instead of buying them.

6.   Using less water saves money, and reducing water pollution helps save the environment.

7.   He said about one billion dollars could be saved by using his technique just to treat those hemophiliacs who require at least one synovectomy.

v. + save >>共 104
diving 10.61%
use 3.91%
make 3.35%
go 2.79%
have 2.79%
do 2.23%
cut 2.23%
say 2.23%
screen 2.23%
sprawling 2.23%
use + v. >>共 290
be 28.29%
make 2.94%
require 1.68%
mean 1.40%
do 1.40%
force 1.40%
create 1.40%
achieve 0.98%
reduce 0.98%
save 0.98%
每页显示:    共 7