1.   All scorpions sting.

2.   Scorpions sting.

3.   There was the scorpion sting while living in dusty Las Cruces, N.M.

4.   Moussa said he has treated nine children for scorpion stings in the last month alone.

n. + sting >>共 48
bee 32.19%
drug 8.22%
police 6.85%
jellyfish 4.79%
eye 4.79%
prostitution 3.42%
wasp 3.42%
nettle 2.74%
scorpion 2.74%
weapon 2.05%
scorpion + n. >>共 14
bite 25.93%
sting 14.81%
paperweight 11.11%
pendant 7.41%
toxin 7.41%
brand 3.70%
fossil 3.70%
game 3.70%
hiding 3.70%
huddle 3.70%
每页显示:    共 4