1.   Bee stings have been known to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

2.   Fire officials said bee stings and poison oak were the most serious problems.

3.   For most people, the reaction to a bee sting is swelling and pain.

4.   It is very rare for anyone to actually die from bee stings in this country.

5.   That is only a fraction of the numbers killed by bee stings.

6.   The ancient Romans used garlic as a cure-all for everything from boils to bee stings.

7.   Remove the bee sting with tweezers.

8.   His arm was covered with bee stings.

9.   Bee sting.

10.   Ames, however, uses nothing but bee stings.

n. + sting >>共 48
bee 32.19%
drug 8.22%
police 6.85%
jellyfish 4.79%
eye 4.79%
prostitution 3.42%
wasp 3.42%
nettle 2.74%
scorpion 2.74%
weapon 2.05%
bee + n. >>共 90
sting 24.74%
hive 4.21%
pollen 4.21%
venom 3.68%
colony 3.16%
population 2.63%
attack 2.11%
brain 2.11%
swarm 2.11%
keeper 1.58%
每页显示:    共 47