1.   Schools throughout the county are struggling to keep their heads above water.

2.   They are reintroducing English as the official language in schools throughout the country.

3.   Mr Forrest believes there is a need for other similar schools throughout Britain.

4.   A dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed, and the university and all schools throughout the country were closed indefinitely.

5.   Our latest excursion into the world of secondary education will hopefully benefit not only local schools but schools throughout the country.

6.   The new centre will offer a range of pupil activities and will be available to schools throughout the country.

7.   Teenagers at Haughton Comprehensive are working with the professionals from the Phoenix Dance Company as schools throughout the country prepare to teach dancing for the first time.

8.   Dougald said his was the only party firmly committed to improving schools throughout Britain.

9.   Along the way, he has become involved with visiting children with cancer at Brackenridge Hospital in Austin as well as hospitals and schools throughout the country.

10.   And, they report that this widespread violence in schools throughout the Nation significantly interferes with the quality of education in those schools.

n. + throughout >>共 1635
people 1.17%
advantage 1.08%
city 1.06%
update 1.05%
school 0.70%
problem 0.68%
place 0.64%
service 0.63%
area 0.60%
office 0.53%
school + p. >>共 101
in 34.62%
for 13.38%
with 8.31%
at 5.58%
on 4.28%
as 3.53%
to 3.32%
after 2.77%
from 1.96%
by 1.92%
throughout 1.21%
每页显示:    共 98