1.   During the post war period there have been a number of studies of the transition from school to work.

2.   He takes credit for wiring schools to the Internet.

3.   It was there Fergie recommended the school to her - where yesterday Eugenie and Zenouska enjoyed lunch of spaghetti and sponge cake.

4.   Palm-greasing for just about anything from entry to a favoured school to obtaining a bank loan has been considered a fact of life.

5.   Sometimes children commute long distances from home to school, from school to juku.

6.   Test scores vary from school to school.

7.   The progression from school to university is difficult for many students.

8.   They are important contributors to the service delivery promised by the school to current and prospective pupils and parents.

9.   From school to university level students often choose subjects to study and options within a subject on the basis of their own emotional response to the teacher.

10.   Can I echo the comments that people have made on the value of rural schools to villages.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
school 0.05%
school + p. >>共 101
in 34.62%
for 13.38%
with 8.31%
at 5.58%
on 4.28%
as 3.53%
to 3.32%
after 2.77%
from 1.96%
by 1.92%
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