1.   She says changing the subject.

2.   And they say changing the name of the police force and opening it up to more Catholics changes none of that.

3.   But venture capitalists say that is changing.

4.   Harlan said that changed on the flight back to Green Bay, when he and Wolf discussed denying any teams the right to talk to Holmgren.

5.   He said that changed slightly to adjust to the Clinton administration, which was more racially diverse than those of Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

6.   Martins said that is changing now.

7.   Some would say that is changing, with the influx of more tourists and more new residents.

8.   That could change rapidly if the economic picture changed, he said.

9.   The chairwoman of the agency, Diane McGrath-McKechnie, has refused to say what changes, if any, she is seeking in the leasing system.

10.   Acting chairman Salim Zanoun said changing the PLO charter could be debated in another meeting later in the week, however.

v. + change >>共 141
work 14.13%
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say 3.81%
use 3.14%
end 3.14%
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lobby 2.69%
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trade 2.47%
rush 2.47%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
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allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
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