1.   But a few things are being done to change the situation.

2.   Then see what you can do to change the circumstances of the situation.

3.   There was nothing I could do to change my situation.

4.   But if they do not change their view there is nothing I can do to change it.

5.   Both Manager Bobby Valentine and General Manager Steve Phillips said there was little the young outfielder could do to change their minds.

6.   Booth said she has seen wasted light ruining the night skies and nothing done to change it.

7.   Brooks said civil rights leaders have been meeting with Georgia business leaders to discuss what could be done to change the flag.

8.   But nothing was done to change procedures until March.

9.   But there is little anyone can do to change their range itself.

10.   But they say there is little they can do to change it.

v. + change >>共 141
work 14.13%
do 9.87%
say 3.81%
use 3.14%
end 3.14%
close 2.91%
lobby 2.69%
fight 2.69%
trade 2.47%
rush 2.47%
do + v. >>共 991
help 5.70%
make 5.04%
get 3.73%
prevent 3.34%
stop 2.69%
keep 2.27%
improve 2.05%
protect 1.96%
be 1.64%
win 1.62%
change 0.81%
每页显示:    共 44