1.   The sanctions would not include, however, an embargo on the purchase of Libyan oil, or other forms of trade embargo.

2.   Among them are unilateral sanctions including limiting flights between the U.S. and Europe and other sanctions, four White House officials said.

3.   And these sanctions could include the prohibition of electronic fund transfers and dollar clearing to financial institutions in the subject country.

4.   Alistair Darling, the Social Services secretary, said the sanctions could include fines or jail terms.

5.   If the sanctions include loss of a bowl game, Miami sought to start serving its penalty this postseason.

6.   Other sanctions include a cutoff of trade credits, private bank loans and American support for nonhumanitarian loans from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

7.   Other possible sanctions could include deducting frequent-flier miles, denying upgrades or even banning unruly customers from future flights, he said.

8.   Possible sanctions include a fine, suspension, or banishment from the securities industry.

9.   Possible sanctions include prohibiting them and their families from receiving U.S. visas.

10.   Sanctions may include the removal of trade benefits and higher tariffs on Colombian exports, economists said.

n. + include >>共 1161
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sanction 0.27%
sanction + v. >>共 279
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