sanction be 30.22   Sanctions are likely.
  sanction include 8.03   The sanctions include an oil embargo.
  sanction remain 6.91   The U.N. sanctions remain.
  sanction ban 5.07   The sanctions ban oil exports.
  sanction impose 4.08   Sanctions imposed on Sierra Leone.
  sanction have 3.95   It is unclear what effect new sanctions would have.
  sanction bar 3.49   The sanctions bar exports.
  sanction hurt 3.16   Sanctions hurt Iraqi civilians.
  sanction prevent 3.09   The sanctions prevent Iraq from exporting its oil.
  sanction cause 2.76   The sanctions have caused severe food shortages.
  sanction take 2.70   Still, the sanctions have taken their toll.
  sanction prohibit 2.37   U.N. sanctions prohibit flights to or from Libya.
  sanction affect 2.24   The sanctions also would affect five Chinese citizens.
  sanction go 2.04   Trade sanctions would not go unnoticed in Israel.
  sanction apply 1.71   The sanctions apply only to Serbia.
  sanction come 1.65   The sanctions come up for review this month.
  sanction continue 1.51   Sanctions continue to gut the intellectual life here.
  sanction end 1.38   Sanctions would not end until all conditions were met.
  sanction violate 1.38   Tokyo says the sanctions violate international trade rules.
  sanction limit 1.32   And U.N. sanctions limited their ability to repair those facilities.
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