1.   Small companies are also beginning to see the benefits of adopting the same methods.

2.   The same method can not be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques.

3.   The same method using netting would make effective protection for a bed of a dozen or more high-yielding strawberry plants.

4.   The Society was substantially unsuccessful in its aim of persuading other charities to adopt the same methods.

5.   In itself this was not so radical a departure from polling methods, and soon Gallup and other agencies began to adopt the same methods.

6.   The same method cannot be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques.

7.   The same accounting methods are applied over a series of reporting periods so that trends can be identified and comparisons made.

8.   The same methods were also used for the analysis of survival in patients treated with surgery, surgery plus chemotherapy, or chemotherapy alone.

9.   In additon, the washings were stored and analysed for drug content by the same method.

10.   Similarly, the cumulative survival likelihood, assessed by the same statistical method, overlaps in the two groups.

a. + method >>共 1343
new 7.64%
traditional 4.32%
different 3.23%
teaching 2.60%
alternative 1.65%
accounting 1.57%
same 1.55%
best 1.54%
conventional 1.43%
cooking 1.35%
same + n. >>共 964
time 18.03%
thing 4.47%
way 3.83%
day 3.43%
year 1.18%
area 0.95%
kind 0.90%
reason 0.83%
name 0.76%
period 0.75%
method 0.11%
每页显示:    共 97