1.   In Air Sugihan rumours flew that the settlers were to be shifted so that the elephants could be left in peace.

2.   Rumours flew thick and fast that the company was going to be sold.

3.   Rumours were flying as to how the fire started.

4.   Rumours were flying around Manchester that the band was about to split up.

5.   Rumours have been flying around Manchester that the band are about to split up.

6.   Imagine the nail-biting tension as the rumours fly.

7.   At the Palestinian Authority headquarters here, rumours were flying that Arafat may arrive as early as Saturday night.

8.   The trial of former premier Silvio Berlusconi on corruption charges resumed here Friday, as rumours flew that it might be postponed if early elections are called.

n. + fly >>共 1315
plane 10.81%
helicopter 8.85%
flag 5.78%
jet 3.09%
pilot 2.61%
aircraft 2.36%
airline 2.01%
team 1.75%
ball 1.42%
bird 1.38%
rumour 0.11%
rumour + v. >>共 81
be 38.92%
circulate 9.73%
have 3.78%
spread 2.70%
begin 2.43%
abound 2.43%
suggest 2.43%
fly 2.16%
say 1.62%
continue 1.62%
每页显示:    共 8