1.   A rumour spread that he had been killed.

2.   He had learned, he told his audience, that rumours have spread among you of my intention to abolish serfdom.

3.   He says all the stuff about storming off to Paris and missing practices were rumours spread by Wilko.

4.   However, in a troubled environment, it is only natural for rumours to spread like wildfire about foreign companies relocating elsewhere, downsizing or even retrenching workers.

5.   As rumours spread that other fresh vegetables such as lettuce might be contaminated, those in the meat industry breathed a sigh of relief.

6.   Concern mounted Monday as rumours spread that attacks were imminent on a police station in troubled Yala province which borders Malaysia.

7.   Rumours had been spreading that he had been replaced in a coup led by General Ratko Mladic, commander of the Bosnian Serb forces.

8.   Rumours spread through the London market that the French central bank had stepped in to support the franc.

9.   The meeting had been scheduled for Monday morning but was delayed when the factions refused to disarm after rumours spread that further fighting was imminent.

n. + spread >>共 1255
disease 4.98%
cancer 4.02%
fire 3.95%
word 3.82%
air 2.35%
rumor 2.30%
virus 2.21%
violence 1.79%
news 1.39%
protest 1.39%
rumour 0.18%
rumour + v. >>共 81
be 38.92%
circulate 9.73%
have 3.78%
spread 2.70%
begin 2.43%
abound 2.43%
suggest 2.43%
fly 2.16%
say 1.62%
continue 1.62%
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