1.   Because it is wingless, the craft is steered by directional rocket nozzles and adjustable flaps at the base of the cone.

2.   Endeavour also ended a worrisome string of two shuttle launchings in which O-ring seals in the reusable solid rocket booster nozzles were singed by hot exhaust gases.

3.   In an interview, he noted how the Russians had mastered the stratagem of routing kerosene fuel around hot rocket nozzles to cool them, improving efficiency.

4.   Most significant was the discovery in late July that O-ring seals in the solid rocket booster nozzles had sustained slight burn damage during two previous shuttle flights.

5.   Rocket nozzles control the expansion of combustion gases and help optimize thrust to push a vehicle.

6.   Six of those rockets fire at liftoff and are thrust-vectoring, meaning the rocket nozzles can be moved to provide additional control.

7.   Some of the equipment here is also used to examine rocket nozzles.

8.   The rocket nozzles are reconfigured in such a way that they more efficiently use fuel.

n. + nozzle >>共 46
booster 14.41%
spray 11.71%
rocket 7.21%
fuel 6.31%
basket-weave 4.50%
engine 4.50%
gas 4.50%
hose 4.50%
shower 3.60%
exhaust 2.70%
rocket + n. >>共 236
attack 32.41%
launcher 19.63%
fire 5.68%
fuel 3.20%
scientist 2.62%
barrage 2.26%
booster 1.86%
science 1.82%
launch 1.64%
range 1.60%
nozzle 0.29%
每页显示:    共 8