booster nozzle 1.05   And last year, a mission was delayed by leakage into joints within the booster nozzle.
  spray nozzle 0.86   After each pass, wipe the spray nozzle to prevent drips.
  rocket nozzle 0.53   Some of the equipment here is also used to examine rocket nozzles.
  fuel nozzle 0.46   The technician should inspect and clean the combustion chamber and the fuel nozzle.
  basket-weave nozzle 0.33   For this you will need both a plain writing nozzle and a basket-weave nozzle.
  engine nozzle 0.33   The panel struck an engine nozzle as it fell away.
  gas nozzle 0.33   He was, when she had reflexively reached for the gas nozzle.
  hose nozzle 0.33   Cut off the hose nozzle and the water splashes out with little force.
  shower nozzle 0.26   This is not your pine-board Class A ballpark of yesteryear, with one rudimentary shower nozzle.
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