1.   Rockets blast from the bridge and from the docks.

2.   A Russian rocket blasted into space Saturday night, heading for Mars in a mission that could give the struggling Russian space program a new lease on life.

3.   A Russian rocket blasted off Tuesday, carrying into a space a U.S. television satellite, the Russian space forces said.

4.   A Russian rocket blasted off Saturday, carrying into a space a U.S. communications satellite, Russian news agencies reported.

5.   A rocket blasted off Tuesday carrying four more Globalstar communication satellites into space.

6.   A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted into space Sunday carrying a European Space Agency astronaut from Germany and two Russian cosmonauts headed for the Mir orbiting space station.

7.   A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted into space Sunday carrying an astronaut from Germany and two Russian cosmonauts headed for the Mir space station.

8.   At least ten people were killed when rockets blasted houses in a northern suburb of Kabul on Monday, the second day of deadly assaults on the Afghan capital.

9.   Rockets have blasted holes in homes and dozens of people have been killed in factional fighting in the last three months.

10.   The Soyuz rocket blasted off last Tuesday from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

n. + blast >>共 300
warplane 11.78%
critic 3.30%
jet 3.19%
group 2.64%
music 2.64%
guerrilla 2.42%
gunship 2.42%
official 1.98%
rocket 1.87%
bomb 1.65%
rocket + v. >>共 179
hit 13.81%
land 7.42%
be 6.74%
fall 6.19%
explode 5.77%
slam 5.57%
fire 3.23%
strike 3.09%
carry 2.54%
propel 2.54%
blast 1.17%
每页显示:    共 17