warplane blast 7.04   Israeli warplanes also blasted the region.
  critic blast 1.97   Critics blasted the report.
  jet blast 1.91   Israeli jets blast Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.
  group blast 1.58   Rights groups have blasted the ruling.
  music blast 1.58   The music blasts.
  guerrilla blast 1.45   The guerrillas blasted rebel songs in the other direction over loudspeakers.
  gunship blast 1.45   A gunship blasted enemy headquarters.
  official blast 1.18   Industry officials blasted the report.
  rocket blast 1.12   Rockets blast from the bridge and from the docks.
  bomb blast 0.99   The first bomb blasted a car behind.
  helicopter blast 0.99   One helicopter blasted a Lebanese police jeep with a guided missile, killing two officers.
  leader blast 0.99   Catholic leaders have blasted the plans.
  force blast 0.86   Israeli forces blast out corner of fortress-like Hebron compound,
  explosion blast 0.66   The explosion blasted a hole in the side of the ship.
  lawmaker blast 0.59   Lawmakers blasted that practice and said it should be illegal.
  missile blast 0.53   It said NATO missiles blasted targets near Prizren, Djakovica and Lipljan.
  shell blast 0.53   The shells had blasted holes the size of truck tires in the living room and the kitchen.
  soldier blast 0.53   On Friday, Israeli soldiers blasted into his compound.
  tank blast 0.53   Earlier a Serb tank had blasted the post, destroying one of its defensive walls.
  troop blast 0.53   The peacekeeping troops blasted them out of the building.
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