1.   The return flow towards the centre of the wake is more diffuse.

2.   A return flow of humid air into west Texas and eastern New Mexico should trap low clouds along the east slopes of the southern Rockies.

3.   A return flow of slightly milder, moist air into the Dakotas will produce clouds and a few flurries.

4.   A return flow of warmer air into the southern Plains will be accompanied by clouds closer to the Gulf Coast.

5.   A return flow of humid air into south Texas and the Rio Grande Valley will promote some showers.

6.   A return flow of humid air into south Texas will promote clouds which will spread toward Louisiana and Arkansas.

7.   A return flow of humid air into the southern Rockies will combine with very warm air aloft, producing afternoon thunderstorms from New Mexico to southern Idaho.

8.   A return flow of milder, moist air from the Southeast into Texas will combine with a weak disturbance moving east across northern Mexico.

9.   A return flow of humid air into northern Texas and Oklahoma will produce patches of clouds and isolated thundershowers.

10.   A return flow of milder air from the south will promote above normal readings in the northwest Plains and northern Rockies.

a. + flow >>共 581
steady 9.04%
free 8.22%
constant 2.60%
moist 2.05%
onshore 1.78%
natural 1.42%
return 1.42%
current 1.37%
continuous 1.37%
pyroclastic 1.23%
return + n. >>共 308
trip 14.01%
address 9.37%
flight 6.48%
visit 6.48%
fire 5.43%
key 3.20%
leg 2.76%
journey 2.71%
game 2.50%
date 2.50%
flow 1.36%
每页显示:    共 31