1.   Signs of stronger retail sales than expected could suggest resilient consumer spending that could keep the Fed from cutting interest rates this month, Alexy said.

2.   Mexican stocks fell, outpacing Anthrax-panicked U.S. losses Friday, as once resilient consumer stocks plunged amid profit-taking.

3.   Optimism is gathering that the U.S. and European economies will rebound quickly from a slump last year, helped by lower interest rates and resilient consumer demand.

4.   Retailers, such as Ito-Yokado Co. Ltd., largely did well, helped by resilient consumer spending despite a recession at home.

5.   Share prices edged higher Tuesday as investors were encouraged by a report showing resilient consumer spending, but also cautious ahead of high-profile earnings reports.

a. + consumer >>共 1262
american 5.71%
japanese 3.86%
strong 1.80%
weak 1.78%
new 1.61%
average 1.43%
higher 1.43%
european 1.31%
individual 1.31%
largest 1.13%
resilient 0.08%
resilient + n. >>共 141
team 7.86%
economy 5.24%
group 2.62%
dollar 2.62%
tile 2.62%
consumer 2.18%
bunch 2.18%
people 2.18%
spirit 2.18%
channel 1.75%
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