american consumer 22.38   American consumers set a record last year.
  japanese consumer 15.14   Japanese consumers reacted in a most nasty way.
  strong consumer 7.04   A strong consumer banking business bolstered results.
  weak consumer 6.98   Blame weak consumer spending for the trouble.
  new consumer 6.32   The new consumer service, called WOW!
  average consumer 5.60   Consider the average consumer.
  higher consumer 5.60   Scattered reports of higher consumer prices.
  european consumer 5.13   European consumers pay about two dollars per minute.
  individual consumer 5.13   It is not intended for individual consumers.
  largest consumer 4.41   The U.S. is the largest consumer.
  major consumer 4.15   Pork production is a major consumer of maize.
  rising consumer 4.02   Growth also means rising consumer demand.
  increased consumer 3.55   We are in an area of increased consumer empowerment.
  local consumer 3.36   Local consumer products stocks also suffered.
  sluggish consumer 3.36   Otherwise retailers reported sluggish consumer demand.
  french consumer 3.29   French consumers are already spending more.
  high consumer 3.23   Historically high consumer confidence is bad news?
  biggest consumer 3.16   Builders are the biggest consumers of copper.
  chinese consumer 3.16   Chinese consumers are now also suing Toshiba.
  younger consumer 3.16   That brings in the younger demographic consumer we want.
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