1.   As before, legal resident aliens will be required to keep the cards with them and employers will use them to screen undocumented workers.

2.   As resident aliens they face discrimination in jobs, education and housing.

3.   A federal appeals court ruled that it is unconstitutional to deny release, during the proceeding, of a permanent resident alien.

4.   A resident alien should not be expected to choose loyalty to the United States over loyalty to whatever nation whose citizenship he or she holds.

5.   A page on frequently asked tax questions addresses such topics as sale and depreciation of assets, tax credits and information for resident aliens and citizens living abroad.

6.   Citizens plus resident aliens?

7.   Dasch was a German citizen and legal resident alien of the United States and was married to an American woman, Kantor reported.

8.   Does it matter for purposes of detention whether the alien is a resident alien or an excludable alien?

9.   Feinstein said that she had recently adopted a policy of not taking campaign contributions from permanent resident aliens, even though they are allowed to make such contributions.

10.   For example, one new rule will allow thousands of resident aliens to pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities.

a. + alien >>共 175
illegal 56.33%
resident 5.91%
undocumented 5.17%
criminal 3.69%
legal 3.05%
permanent 1.11%
mexican 0.92%
little 0.74%
undesirable 0.65%
chinese 0.55%
resident + n. >>共 364
status 9.11%
alien 6.70%
coordinator 2.62%
crew 2.41%
manager 2.41%
company 1.99%
representative 1.99%
assistant 1.88%
foreigner 1.47%
adviser 1.36%
每页显示:    共 64