resident status 5.73   Liu has permanent U.S. resident status.
  resident alien 4.21   Citizens plus resident aliens?
  resident coordinator 1.65   Von Sponeck, the United Nations resident coordinator in India.
  resident crew 1.51   The resident crew has been aboard the space station since August.
  resident manager 1.51   In many hotels, the general manager also serves as the resident manager.
  resident company 1.25   The resident companies receive subsidy and the use of the venue is free.
  resident representative 1.25   Somkid met earlier Thursday with an IMF delegation headed by its resident representative in Thailand, Lorenzo Giorgianni.
  resident assistant 1.18   Go to the resident assistant, housing department, or dean of students?
  resident foreigner 0.92   Other resident foreigners are considering options elsewhere.
  resident adviser 0.86   He lived in the dorm as a resident adviser.
  resident scholar 0.86   He was later a resident scholar at the Carnegie Corporation in New York.
  resident choreographer 0.79   Neither company has a resident choreographer.
  resident permit 0.79   They have US resident permits but their nationality is not clear.
  resident doctor 0.72   She was attended to by Schueler, a resident doctor, and two nurses.
  resident population 0.66   This area of Falkirk has always had a resident population of these handsome but predatory birds.
  resident priest 0.59   Since then the four resident priests have slept elsewhere.
  resident bird 0.53   The resident birds use them year after year.
  resident card 0.53   The luckier ones also had Israeli resident cards.
  resident commissioner 0.53   His wife is currently an INEC resident commissioner in southern Edo state.
  resident expert 0.53   All healthy, a resident expert says.
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