1.   At an early stage the parties should consider whether any prior approvals or clearances to the transaction are required under both domestic and EC law.

2.   Ministry of Agriculture specialists confirm that it is not required under EC law.

3.   Also, the act guards against the conversion of viable agriculture lands, which would be required under the proposed project, Grove said.

4.   Because the FDA found cigarettes to be unsafe, it was required under the law not simply to regulate them but to ban them.

5.   A Chicago-based federal appeals court reinstated the charges, saying proof of intent to defraud is not required under the law.

6.   A two-thirds vote is required under Missouri law.

7.   All three stakes were offered last week to state workers for sale, as required under Colombian law.

8.   But signatures were not required under the old law.

9.   Catalytic converters are used to reduce pollution from emissions as required under legislation in Europe and North America.

10.   Changes to facilitate official wiretapping of telephone and cable television networks would be required under legislation expected to be introduced in Congress today.

a. + under >>共 792
illegal 6.75%
required 4.34%
possible 2.49%
available 2.29%
impossible 2.29%
legal 1.93%
better 1.33%
cool 1.33%
born 1.29%
hot 1.16%
required + p. >>共 46
for 43.00%
of 11.58%
in 11.20%
under 8.18%
on 4.54%
to 4.24%
at 3.33%
from 2.27%
before 2.27%
with 1.44%
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