1.   A license is not required in other areas of health services management.

2.   A pure-bred strain of barley is required in the production of this whisky.

3.   Again expert advice is required in these circumstances.

4.   In assessing the attitudes of religious thinkers to the natural sciences, discrimination is required in another respect.

5.   Its special property is that it can activate most of the genes that are required in the mature muscle.

6.   Matlashewski has described two groups of genes that are required in the morphological transformation of normal primary cells invitro.

7.   This section gives a detailed breakdown of what May be required in your daily work.

8.   Thus many of the proteins that are required in human therapy have to be made in animal tissues.

a. + in >>共 1080
involved 7.47%
born 4.61%
available 2.52%
active 2.03%
common 1.58%
alone 1.34%
high 1.19%
due 1.19%
popular 0.96%
successful 0.95%
required 0.13%
required + p. >>共 46
for 43.00%
of 11.58%
in 11.20%
under 8.18%
on 4.54%
to 4.24%
at 3.33%
from 2.27%
before 2.27%
with 1.44%
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