1.   Clearly, the public good is served by removing this president.

2.   He said the American people would be well served by removing the president, and that the country would survive if that happened.

3.   His conduct did not threaten our constitutional system, and the national interest will not be served by removing him from office.

4.   The country would be better served by removing these harmful provisions from the debt limit bill.

v. + serve >>共 148
be 7.17%
have 4.48%
keep 3.14%
hold 3.14%
get 1.79%
maintain 1.79%
make 1.79%
remove 1.79%
wait 1.79%
lave 1.35%
remove + v. >>共 53
be 42.02%
require 3.36%
serve 3.36%
allow 2.52%
follow 1.68%
become 1.68%
have 1.68%
help 1.68%
leave 1.68%
mark 1.68%
每页显示:    共 4