1.   Analysts said MCA may be better served by having a computer industry executive running its operation.

2.   But with the Republicans in the majority in the Senate, Ohio may now be better served by having a Republican delegation.

3.   Having served as a U.S. attorney in Atlanta and a stint as independent counsel in Washington, Thompson boasts a polished resume.

4.   Having served as minister to the court of Louis XVI in Paris, Jefferson acquired lace and brocaded silk coats, though he only sported them occasionally.

5.   I know Al Gore, too, having served in the Senate with him and with his father years before.

6.   In seeking to offer that vision Thursday, Clinton praised Poland as having served as a model for its neighbors with its rapid adoption of democratic and market reforms.

7.   John Paul has come to believe that his duties as shepherd to his church are best served by having a real physical presence with his people.

8.   There are some times, he said, when society is better served by having a teen-ager treated in Department of Youth Services programs.

9.   President Ali Hassan Mwinyi is constitutionally barred from running after having served two five-year terms.

10.   Rafsanjani is not a candidate, however, having served the maximum two terms allowed under the constitution.

v. + serve >>共 148
be 7.17%
have 4.48%
keep 3.14%
hold 3.14%
get 1.79%
maintain 1.79%
make 1.79%
remove 1.79%
wait 1.79%
lave 1.35%
have + v. >>共 703
be 17.32%
seem 3.06%
do 3.01%
make 2.84%
say 1.99%
appear 1.99%
become 1.95%
lose 1.64%
have 1.42%
help 1.15%
serve 0.44%
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