1.   And the Theratx deal may strengthen Vencor in the high-margin business of supplying rehabilitation therapy to nursing homes and hospitals.

2.   As far as rehabilitation therapy goes, it consists mainly of listening to music with no physical movement involved.

3.   A week in the intensive care unit was followed by a week of rehabilitation therapy.

4.   After treatment with antidepressant drugs, psychotherapy and stress management classes, she began responding to rehabilitation therapy.

5.   But Angela did improve after rehabilitation therapy, although she sustained irreparable brain damage and several of the shotgun pellets still remain lodged in her brain.

6.   He will undergo rehabilitation therapy this week.

7.   In addition, the new recipient will undergo rigorous physical and other rehabilitation therapy to gain as much hand function as possible and undergo long-term psychological testing.

8.   Leto went into intense rehabilitation therapy.

9.   Long-term care companies that provide supplemental nursing-home services such as rehabilitation therapy are also vulnerable.

10.   Not every patient on a ventilator is a candidate for this type of rehabilitation therapy.

n. + therapy >>共 340
gene 23.12%
drug 12.90%
radiation 7.03%
combination 5.33%
hormone 4.89%
cancer 2.64%
massage 2.58%
estrogen 1.59%
rehabilitation 1.32%
music 1.21%
rehabilitation + n. >>共 130
program 18.97%
center 17.32%
assignment 9.35%
plan 7.08%
clinic 3.99%
process 2.61%
centre 2.47%
programme 2.34%
work 2.34%
facility 2.27%
therapy 1.65%
每页显示:    共 24