rehabilitation program 18.17   He joined a rehabilitation program.
  rehabilitation center 16.59   He entered an alcohol rehabilitation center.
  rehabilitation assignment 8.95   He had been on a rehabilitation assignment.
  rehabilitation plan 6.78   Is there a rehabilitation plan?
  rehabilitation clinic 3.82   He sent a half-sister to a rehabilitation clinic.
  rehabilitation process 2.50   What followed was a long rehabilitation process.
  rehabilitation centre 2.37   The rehabilitation centres and courses can have that.
  rehabilitation programme 2.24   Nor has our rehabilitation programme been a resounding success.
  rehabilitation work 2.24   He was to inspect rehabilitation work on the town.
  rehabilitation facility 2.17   Thomas could be transferred to a rehabilitation facility in about two weeks.
  rehabilitation effort 1.91   The rehabilitation effort attracted L.L. Bean and other tenants.
  rehabilitation project 1.91   They would work on rehabilitation projects for scorched forests.
  rehabilitation start 1.91   He made two rehabilitation starts in the minors.
  rehabilitation hospital 1.84   She remains in a rehabilitation hospital.
  rehabilitation period 1.65   The usual rehabilitation period is several months.
  rehabilitation therapy 1.58   Leto went into intense rehabilitation therapy.
  rehabilitation stint 1.18   Before this happens, Canseco and Mitchell must do rehabilitation stints.
  rehabilitation service 0.86   The administration is working on hourly reimbursement rates for rehabilitation therapy services.
  rehabilitation unit 0.79   At first, they only wanted to build a cardiac rehabilitation unit.
  rehabilitation specialist 0.72   Rehabilitation specialists have begun to work with both patients.
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