1.   One hundred and sixteen companies have registered to sell power in the state, and the rivalry is expected to be fierce.

2.   The number of people registered to sell stocks and bonds has reached a record high, the National Association of Securities Dealers said.

3.   The online publication also noted that some Coyote insiders had recently registered to sell shares in the firm.

4.   Though he has registered to sell, he said he has no plans to do so.

5.   You can check with the state securities agency or insurance commission to see if the adviser is registered to sell securities or insurance.

v. + sell >>共 222
rush 7.60%
negotiate 7.31%
use 6.58%
be 4.39%
opt 3.95%
file 3.65%
license 2.92%
make 2.78%
will 2.78%
compete 2.49%
register 0.73%
register + v. >>共 68
vote 46.18%
do 4.42%
run 3.61%
participate 2.81%
receive 2.81%
bid 2.01%
sell 2.01%
attend 1.61%
go 1.61%
donate 1.20%
每页显示:    共 5