1.   So Etak stopped making Navigators and instead opted to sell a software map which runs on hardware made by other firms.

2.   BofA talked to numerous financial concerns before finally opting to sell the unit to management.

3.   Could the Oiler owners simply opt to sell the whole show to Allen?

4.   Demand is likely to keep rising, even as the Treasury sells more of the securities and U.S. companies opt to sell more inflation-linked debt.

5.   If it does opt to sell, potential buyers include Mellon Bank Corp., NationsBank Corp. and Banc One Corp., investment bankers said.

6.   If Meridian does opt to sell, potential buyers include Mellon Bank Corp., NationsBank Corp. and Banc One Corp., investment bankers said.

7.   In recent years, NFL franchises have opted to sell personal seat licenses, or PSLs, to fans in order to raise large sums of cash.

8.   In the short run, if the dollar fails to rise, NEC may opt to sell dollars, he said.

9.   Investors who opt to sell their Latin American dogs have a kennel-full to choose from.

10.   Juventus of Turin, a club that like Real Madrid regards itself as an institution, has opted to sell shares by public flotation.

v. + sell >>共 222
rush 7.60%
negotiate 7.31%
use 6.58%
be 4.39%
opt 3.95%
file 3.65%
license 2.92%
make 2.78%
will 2.78%
compete 2.49%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
每页显示:    共 27