1.   These books are also useful for teacher-trainers preparing in-service courses, and as reference sources to teachers working on their own.

2.   As physicians encounter an increasing number of these patients, Female Pelvic Floor Disorders should prove invaluable as a primary reference source and guide to diagnosis and management.

3.   Besides these almost standard reference sources, you will need to find more specific -- and more specialised -- ideas about what to read.

4.   Using suitable reference sources if necessary, correct the mistakes in the way that you might do going through a piece of your own before submission.

5.   Having said that, there are a number of reference sources for organisations and agencies in Eastern Europe.

6.   Please pass your discovery on to the editor, preferably in the form of a photocopy, marking the particularly interesting bits and giving the reference source.

7.   An invaluable reference source for rituals and traditions, it also includes chapters on Keeping Kosher and Stocking the Jewish Pantry.

8.   At their best, the titles act as reference sources, providing quick clarification at specific moments.

9.   But analysts said a key issue for IBM would be how broad a range of reference sources and publishers it could get to participate.

10.   But there is a limited, though important, amount of protection when using the more traditional reference sources.

n. + source >>共 488
police 14.02%
security 12.82%
government 9.35%
energy 4.29%
industry 4.19%
hospital 3.75%
intelligence 2.77%
water 2.57%
ministry 2.52%
power 2.26%
reference 0.17%
reference + n. >>共 131
point 21.69%
material 9.57%
works 6.38%
work 4.31%
price 3.35%
tool 3.19%
librarian 3.19%
number 2.55%
source 2.39%
guide 1.44%
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