1.   One shelf was filled with reference works.

2.   Book retailers and wholesalers do see a potential new revenue generator in certain categories of CD-ROM products, particularly reference works and literary works rather than games.

3.   Both encyclopedias are authoritative, no-frills reference works that are more suitable for libraries, newspapers, law firms and advertising agencies than for use at home.

4.   A Passion for Art is among the first reference works to make thoughtful use of multimedia computers.

5.   After the movie, the disk has many uses, from video games and other features added by the studios to lavishly illustrated reference works from software producers.

6.   But, suddenly, many discern the start of a critical mass shifting publishing for reference works, handbooks and textbooks to the digital realm.

7.   Chemical reference works say the pesticide is virtually insoluble in water.

8.   Coverage of foreign and silent film is scant, and only some of the text has been indexed, a common failing in Microsoft reference works.

9.   Electronic encyclopedias have already all but displaced the old-fashioned kind, and dictionaries and other reference works are probably destined for the same fate.

10.   Eventually, this will change, particularly as more reference works and databases are available on DVD.

n. + works >>共 622
art 9.13%
system 3.80%
reference 2.67%
sewage 2.20%
treatment 1.67%
repair 1.53%
steel 1.53%
way 1.40%
program 1.33%
government 1.33%
reference + n. >>共 131
point 21.69%
material 9.57%
works 6.38%
work 4.31%
price 3.35%
tool 3.19%
librarian 3.19%
number 2.55%
source 2.39%
guide 1.44%
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