1.   Anglican chant is making a comeback in the Episcopal Church, and recent recordings have explored variants within the Roman Catholic tradition.

2.   But if Hebrew prayer and psalm settings are comparatively brief, they have a concentrated emotional resonance that is captured on recent recordings.

3.   But on the evidence of his recent recordings, he is already the first Alagna, and that is plenty good enough.

4.   Francois Le Roux, who like Salonen and Ms. Groop was making his American operatic debut, repeated the strengths of his recent recording as Pelleas.

5.   Most recent recordings of this piece have relied on heavy lifting.

6.   Recent recordings rated !!!!!

7.   Similar questions have been provoked by recent recordings of music composed by Jews who were murdered at the Nazi concentration camp at Theresienstadt.

8.   So let us take two recent recordings and treat them as case studies in interpretation and composition.

9.   That a change in the business of recording operas is under way is also clear from recent recordings of Deborah Voigt and Ruth Ann Swenson.

10.   The cancellation is particularly unfortunate, since Ms. Argerich has done some of her most solidly impressive work with Kremer, including recent recordings on Deutsche Grammophon.

a. + recording >>共 349
new 7.37%
video 6.55%
audio 4.73%
sound 4.09%
first 3.91%
live 3.73%
classical 2.18%
recent 2.09%
secret 2.09%
old 2.09%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
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