new recording 5.33   The album also features two new recordings.
  video recording 4.74   Is the video recording at the same time?
  audio recording 3.42   Be careful with that audio recording.
  sound recording 2.96   Sound recording?
  first recording 2.83   It was his first recording.
  live recording 2.70   Three-LP live recording produced.
  classical recording 1.58   It was the first classical recording to go platinum.
  old recording 1.51   Japan agreed to extend copyright protection to old sound recordings.
  recent recording 1.51   Recent recordings rated !!!!!
  secret recording 1.51   That charge was based on secret recordings of the men in prison.
  original recording 1.45   But not all are original recordings.
  early recording 1.12   They brought bluegrass to the masses via groundbreaking early recordings.
  favorite recording 1.12   My five favorite recordings of Verdi operas?
  musical recording 0.79   They have banned musical recordings, television and many games.
  bootleg recording 0.66   Luckily, bootleg recordings emerged anyway.
  earlier recording 0.66   And indeed, a few earlier recordings lacked the fire of his live performances.
  jazz recording 0.66   Jazz recordings.
  commercial recording 0.59   But these sites do not offer pirated copies of commercial recordings.
  classic recording 0.53   I listened to classic recordings and read several books on Brazilian music.
  complete recording 0.53   Still, it is not a complete recording of the opera.
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