1.   Also, many students have worked on Macintoshes throughout school and know those machines well, which is a real plus.

2.   A real plus is its young, earnest staff.

3.   The real plus was the blocking.

4.   The real plus is in interior space and ease of entry and exit.

5.   There are some real pluses, however, for the only child.

6.   This year, Ford is adding features to its Windstar such as stability control and power adjustable accelerator and brake pedals, a real plus for shorter drivers.

7.   But vacation time can be a real plus for your company.

8.   The real plus about it though is that my voice is unique.

a. + plus >>共 69
big 35.08%
major 6.85%
political 5.24%
definite 4.84%
huge 3.63%
added 3.23%
biggest 3.23%
real 3.23%
potential 2.02%
the 2.02%
real + n. >>共 1189
life 4.72%
world 3.84%
thing 3.20%
problem 2.65%
name 2.11%
issue 1.51%
people 1.48%
reason 1.39%
power 1.31%
test 1.26%
plus 0.03%
每页显示:    共 8