1.   At the very least, it would mean that the real issues are debated rather than the trivial detail of statistics and history.

2.   But he was avoiding the real issue, and he knew it.

3.   Clearly they each believed there was a real issue, and that the other was intelligent enough to pursue it.

4.   In that crisis, was Bizerta the real issue, or was it mutually wounded pride?

5.   More importantly, it was regarded as a distraction from the real issues of environment and development.

6.   The ones I spoke with believed that the authorities had failed to address the real issues.

7.   The real issue for Columbus was the size of the sea, not the shape of the Earth.

8.   The real issue in the proceedings was the principle of public interest immunity.

9.   The real issue is how can we help prevent heart disease?

10.   The real issue, they predict, will boil down to fairness and simple human dignity.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
real 1.25%
real + n. >>共 1189
life 4.72%
world 3.84%
thing 3.20%
problem 2.65%
name 2.11%
issue 1.51%
people 1.48%
reason 1.39%
power 1.31%
test 1.26%
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