1.   Alan and I put the lid on the coffin and screwed it down.

2.   His new responsibilities have put the lid on this.

3.   If it passes, the measure would be the first time that an Arizona community has put a lid on building permits.

4.   Put lids on all the jars and close them tightly.

5.   Put the lid back on the tin, or the paint will dry up.

6.   Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.

7.   He put the lid on the pan and picked up his wine glass and drank before saying anything else.

8.   Lily put the lid on the casserole, and the casserole in the oven.

9.   Charlotte watch that pen and get it out your mouth now either use it or put the lid on it and put it away.

v. + lid >>共 111
keep 35.71%
put 12.28%
lift 7.35%
remove 5.05%
close 3.79%
open 3.79%
place 1.95%
blow 1.95%
take 1.84%
keep_on 1.72%
put + n. >>共 1303
pressure 8.43%
money 3.74%
end 2.55%
hand 1.55%
arm 1.07%
ball 1.03%
emphasis 1.02%
people 0.91%
lot 0.85%
name 0.72%
lid 0.31%
每页显示:    共 106