1.   Farming clubs have seen their incomes halved and, if the economics pundits are right, will soon be halved again.

2.   Further, pundits are prophesying doom and more job layoffs.

3.   If the pundits are right, the economic situation May become worse before the end of the year.

4.   Although pundits may be quick to pontificate, they have no better idea than the next person what will become of the middle class.

5.   Are the pundits right, that the Net limits the richness of communication and turns us into a series of transactions rather than subtly textured human beings?

6.   Are the pundits on to something?

7.   As usual, there were great films and there were bad ones, and there were pundits poised to comment on each and every one.

8.   A pundit is a knowledgeable person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner.

9.   All the pundits are predicting gridlock, but the last election gave us all a lesson in how good those pundits are at predicting things.

10.   But if the optimistic pundits were disappointed, the pessimistic ones were pleasantly surprised.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
pundit 0%
pundit + v. >>共 157
say 14.56%
be 9.70%
predict 9.49%
believe 4.43%
agree 1.90%
have 1.90%
suggest 1.90%
speculate 1.90%
think 1.48%
call 1.27%
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