1.   A period of punctuated equilibrium comes into existence.

2.   Biological, social, or economic systems enter periods of punctuated equilibrium with slowly evolving but firmly established structures.

3.   During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!

4.   For instance, could the infield fly rule be in some way analogous to punctuated equilibrium?

5.   In a period of punctuated equilibrium no one knows what new social behavior patterns will allow humans to prosper and survive.

6.   In periods of punctuated equilibrium, ideologies and technologies, new and old, do not match.

7.   Levels of uncertainty escalate enormously in periods of punctuated equilibrium.

8.   Periods of punctuated equilibrium are equally visible in human history.

9.   Periods of punctuated equilibrium are periods of extended uncertainty.

10.   Periods of punctuated equilibrium offer many new, as yet unexplored territories.

a. + equilibrium >>共 102
dynamic 6.52%
new 6.52%
punctuated 6.52%
general 6.09%
economic 3.91%
temporary 3.04%
emotional 2.61%
partial 2.61%
free 2.61%
competitive 2.17%
punctuated + n. >>共 8
equilibrium 65.22%
pattern 8.70%
bytrumpets 4.35%
evolution 4.35%
inequality 4.35%
joke 4.35%
pause 4.35%
skipper 4.35%
每页显示:    共 15